Customer focus

These improvements are making car sharing even better

Car sharing has to be simple and intuitive for it to dissuade as many people as possible from using their private cars, encountering no issues in the process. For this reason, Mobility is constantly improving its services – including over the past year.

First things first: customers are satisfied with Mobility and recommend us to others in large numbers. This is evidenced by our net promoter score (NPS), a standardised method for measuring user satisfaction. In 2023, our NPS was 57.6, which is almost four points more than the previous year, continuing the upward trajectory. To have so much trust placed in us is an honour.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

How likely are you to recommend Mobility to a friend or colleague?

NPS graphic

NPS = % of promoters minus % of detractors

The satisfaction of users is of the utmost importance to Mobility. After all, the car -sharing phenomenon can only grow in Switzerland if users recommend our company to others. To ensure our NPS remains high, Mobility undertook a lot in the last year to make the car-sharing experience as easy and convenient as possible.

In 2023, more and more customers switched to our new offers, such as mobilityPLUS or mobilityMEMBER. In doing so, these customers benefit from exciting day packages that are automatically activated when you make a reservation for 24, 48, etc. hours.


Mobility NPS 2023

Award-winning new app

In autumn, our old app was replaced with a modern successor, which was immediately awarded the “Master of Swiss Apps 2023” prize. The new Mobility app makes car sharing more intuitive and, amongst other features, offers improved Bluetooth-operated vehicle opening, an interactive map showing Mobility stations and a price calculator. A particular hit is the feature that allows users to view, and report if required, any damage to the vehicle before their journey. The process is quite simple:  provide a brief description of the dent or scratch, take a picture and you're done! A call is no longer required. This streamlines Mobility's processes and also makes for a better customer experience.

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Custom liability reduction

As before, levels of damage and soiling are too high and cost Mobility a lot of money and resources. The situation can also prove irritating for customers, such as if you do not check the car before your journey and are then held liable for a scratch caused by the previous driver, for example. For this reason, make sure to do a quick damage check before every journey!

Nobody is immune to mistakes and damage can happen. Without liability reduction, mistakes can prove extremely costly. Some factor this in, others like to completely eliminate their risk. Consequently, in 2023 Mobility introduced three different liability reduction options, each with a different annual cost and level of cover in the event of a claim.

More information can be found here.

More transparency with the price calculator

In May 2023, Mobility introduced a price calculator on its website, allowing customers to gauge how much a car-sharing journey will cost in advance. The calculator sets out in more detail how prices are determined in terms of hours and kilometres, which enables users to compare the different subscription options. This is exciting not just for existing users but for potential new car sharers too.

Attractive partner offers

In practically all cases, car sharing complements other forms of mobility. Mobility has therefore joined forces with other shared mobility providers to offer customers attractive additional terms. As a result of the new partnerships, mobilityPLUS users as well as members of the Mobility cooperative receive discounted rentals with carvelo (electric cargo bike sharing), PubliBike (bike sharing) and VanVan (camper vans). What’s more, Mobility is now working with the French car-sharing provider Citiz, unlocking benefits for users of both companies.

To the partner offers